Dear Friend,
We are grateful that God has been faithful in using the GOA Vision to impact and transform the lives of many children and young people for the Kingdom growth. The GOA Compassion team takes care of the children coming from underprivileged backgrounds and helps them get their daily provisions as food Clothing Shelter and Education. This is done in our currently Seven Charitable children homes. When these children exit the Homes under the compassion team’s care they join the leadership Development team under the Post Secondary program.
The Post Secondary program takes care of the young people’s higher Education needs. The students on this program are shaping the careers in the institutions of Higher Education.
Currently GOA Post Secondary program has a total of seventy students pursuing studies in various institutions around the nation of Kenya. These students entirely depend on well wishers who wholeheartedly decide to invest in their lives by helping them acquire skills that will help them earn a living after school and be productive dependable members of the society.
On 14th April 2019 this team of young students gave the GOA Kenya a challenge of sacrificial giving and thanks giving. The team came together and made plans to give their little resources towards the current ongoing project for the Construction of the GOA Dream Centre, Headquarter church construction. Through their generosity on the day they helped raise up to Kshs. 118,500 to construct the headquarter church. Most of the members of the post secondary team are students who do have a stable source of income yet such as
The GOA Headquarter church construction is our major project for the year 2019.
Support this project with your giving via Mpesa Till number 853725.