7 days to the Historic Day

I previously I invited you to consider joining the GOA family on 6th of November to celebrate GOA 30 years as we break the ground to start building the GOA Headquarter church and offices in Nairobi.

It’s exactly 7 days to the Historic date on which we shall by faith begin the building of the GOA Dream Centre and give it as gift to the future Generations of GOA. We are excited at your partnership in realizing this long waited Dream. 7 is the number of God’s Completeness and we trust God that within the remaining 7 Days He will provide for us. Our teams in Nairobi are eagerly preparing to host you when you come.

The only obstacle that stands on our way is Kes. 4,700,000 equivalent to USD. 47,000 needed to expand the space by buying the extra piece of land neighbouring our church in Nairobi to create space for building the Dream Centre.
I invite you to consider giving a gift today through the link below and move the obstacle for GOA to build The Dream Centre today

Thank you for your support

Bishop David