Fully mature disciples, compassionately pursuing the great commission, demonstrating Godly zeal and transformational leadership, bringing positive change globally


To creatively respond to the great commission, by creating strong Christian fellowships, developing ethical leadership, caring for the vulnerable, mitigating conflict in our communities and improving the social-political-economic status of nations





News updates
The power of men’s mental health lies in its profound impact on individuals, families, communities, and society at large. When men prioritize their mental well-being, the benefits are far-reaching, enhancing not only their own lives but also those around them. Here are some key aspects highlighting the importance and power of men’s mental health: 1. Improved Quality of Life Emotional Well-being: Men who address their mental health are more likely to experience emotional stability, reduced stress, and overall happiness. Physical Health: Mental health is closely linked to physical health. Managing mental health can lead to lower rates of chronic diseases and a healthier lifestyle. 2. Enhanced Relationships Family Dynamics: Men who are mentally healthy contribute positively to family relationships, fostering a supportive and nurturing environment. Social Connections: Good mental health helps men build and maintain strong friendships and social networks, which are crucial for emotional support. 3. Productivity and Success Work Performance: Men who take care of their mental health tend to be more productive, focused, and engaged at work. Career Advancement: Better mental health can lead to increased job satisfaction and career growth. 4. Reduced Stigma and Increased Support Normalization: Open discussions about men’s mental health can normalize seeking help, reducing the stigma that often prevents men from accessing mental health services. Community Support: Awareness campaigns and support groups can create a sense of community and solidarity among men facing similar challenges. 5. Prevention of Severe Outcomes Suicide Prevention: Addressing mental health issues early can prevent severe outcomes such as suicide, which disproportionately affects men. Substance Abuse: Men with good mental health are less likely to resort to substance abuse as a coping mechanism. 6. Positive Role Modeling For Children: Mentally healthy men can serve as positive role models for children, teaching them the importance of mental well-being and healthy coping mechanisms. For Peers: By prioritizing their mental health, men can inspire their peers to do the same, creating a ripple effect of positive change. 7. Holistic Health Approach Integration: Mental health is an integral part of overall health. Recognizing this helps in the development of holistic health approaches that address both physical and mental aspects. Steps to Harness the Power of Men’s Mental Health Education and Awareness: Promote mental health education through schools, workplaces, and community centers. Use media and social platforms to spread awareness about the importance of mental health. Encouragement to Seek Help: Provide accessible mental health resources, such as hotlines, counseling services, and online support. Encourage men to seek professional help when needed and support them in their journey. Creating Supportive Environments: Foster environments at home, work, and in the community that support open discussions about mental health. Develop programs and initiatives that address specific mental health needs of men. Policy and Advocacy: Advocate for policies that support mental health funding, research, and services. Encourage employers to implement mental health programs and benefits for their employees. Conclusion The power of men’s mental health is transformative, with the potential to improve individual lives and create healthier, more resilient communities. By recognizing the importance of mental health and taking proactive steps to address it, we can unlock this power and pave the way for a brighter, more supportive future for all. [...] Read more...
In today’s world, filled with uncertainties and challenges, the concept of hope is more critical than ever. Hope is a powerful force that sustains us during difficult times, providing the strength to move forward. For many, the Bible serves as a foundational source of this hope, offering timeless promises and encouragement. Let’s explore how the Bible provides hope for today through its teachings and stories. Hope in God’s Faithfulness One of the central themes of the Bible is God’s unwavering faithfulness. In the book of Lamentations, the prophet Jeremiah reflects on the destruction of Jerusalem and his own suffering. Despite the overwhelming despair, he finds hope in God’s enduring love and mercy: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23, NIV) This passage reminds us that no matter the difficulties we face, God’s faithfulness renews every day. His steadfast love provides the assurance that we are never alone, even in our darkest moments. Hope in God’s Plans Jeremiah 29:11 is a favorite verse for many seeking hope and reassurance: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV) This promise was given to the Israelites during their exile in Babylon, a time of great uncertainty and despair. It underscores that God has a purpose for each of us, and His plans are meant to bring us hope and a positive future, even when our present circumstances seem bleak. Hope through Jesus Christ The New Testament reinforces the theme of hope through the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul, writing to the Romans, explains that hope is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13, NIV) Paul’s prayer highlights the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, which fills believers with joy, peace, and abundant hope. This hope is not based on our circumstances but on the assurance of God’s presence and His promises. Hope in Eternal Life One of the most profound sources of hope for Christians is the promise of eternal life. In the Gospel of John, Jesus assures His followers: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26, NIV) This declaration offers hope that transcends this life, providing a perspective that our current struggles are temporary compared to the eternal joy promised by Christ. Hope in Community of  believers The Bible also emphasizes the importance of community in sustaining hope. The early Christians exemplified this in their fellowship and support for one another: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.” (Acts 2:42-43, NIV) In times of hardship, being part of a faith community can offer significant support and encouragement. Sharing burdens and celebrating joys together reinforces our hope and strengthens our faith. Finally brethren Hope for today can be found throughout Gods promises, offering comfort and strength to face life’s challenges. From God’s unwavering faithfulness and His plans for our future, to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the promise of eternal life, the scriptures provide a profound foundation for hope. Additionally, the support of a faith community helps us to sustain and nurture this hope. By turning to the Bible and embracing its promises, we can find the hope we need to navigate today’s uncertainties with confidence and peace. [...] Read more...
May is the month we focus on Mental Health awareness. Did you know that your mental health has direct impact on your Spiritual growth? Our spiritual journeys are often depicted as grand expeditions – scaling mountains of faith or navigating uncharted territories of belief. But what about the soil beneath our feet, the very foundation upon which we stand? Mental well-being serves as that foundation, the fertile ground from which our spiritual growth flourishes. Here’s why nurturing our mental well-being is vital for a strong spiritual life: Clarity and Focus: Mental fog and negativity can cloud our ability to connect with the divine. When our minds are clear and calm, we are better equipped to receive spiritual insights and engage in meaningful prayer or meditation. Gratitude and Peace: Anxiety and depression can steal our joy and appreciation for the blessings in life. By tending to our mental health, we cultivate a sense of gratitude and inner peace, allowing us to connect with the source of all goodness. Self-Compassion and Forgiveness: Spiritual growth often involves facing our flaws and shortcomings. A healthy mind fosters self-compassion, allowing us to forgive ourselves and move forward on our spiritual path. Resilience in Faith: Life’s challenges can shake our faith. But when we are mentally strong, we can weather the storms and emerge with a deeper understanding of our spiritual core. So, how do we nourish this vital ground? Mindfulness Practices: Techniques like meditation and deep breathing can quiet the mind and promote inner peace. Gratitude Exercises: Regularly reflecting on what we are thankful for cultivates a positive outlook and connection with the source of those blessings. Healthy Habits: Adequate sleep, exercise, and a balanced diet contribute significantly to mental well-being. Seeking Support: Don’t be afraid to reach out for professional help or connect with supportive communities, both spiritual and secular. Remember, a healthy mind is not a prerequisite for spirituality, but rather a companion on the path. By tending to both our mental and spiritual well-being, we create fertile ground for a fulfilling and transformative spiritual life. [...] Read more...
Happy New year 2024 Friend and partner of GOA Kenya. GOA Kenya teams are excited to partner with you in transforming communities. Please read our Happy New year Newsletter here [...] Read more...
Kingdom Partnership represents a powerful force that can bring about positive change, foster growth, and achieve remarkable outcomes when individuals, organizations, or communities join hands for a higher purpose. At its core, Kingdom Partnership is the idea that individuals or groups unite their efforts to work toward common goals that align with a higher purpose or divine calling. It is a harmonious synergy, an intertwining of resources, talents, and vision that goes beyond personal or organizational interests GOA Teams achieve so much through the power of Kingdom partnership. Please CLICK HERE to  see the results of your partnership [...] Read more...
The GOA 2022/2023 Impact report and 2023/2024 Priorities are all a celebration of our partnership. Please Download look at it and identify a bite you would like to share with GOA as we move into the year 2023/2023. [...] Read more...
April is recognized as National Stress Awareness Month to bring attention to the negative impact of stress. Managing stress is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Knowing how to manage stress can improve mental and physical well-being as well as minimize exacerbation of health-related issues. It’s critical to recognize what stress and anxiety look like, take steps to build resilience, and know where to go for help. Everyone has a role to play when it comes to raising awareness on stress and creating a safe space for those who are suffering from it. You also have an obligation to yourself to ensure that you manage your stress amicably or else the consequences will be dire to both you and your family. Today we are going to highlight the activities we can do either by ourselves or with others to mark National Stress Awareness Month, they include: Do something creative When we’re doing something creative we’re using a different part of the brain to where stress is occurring. Even if it’s for 5 minutes, being creative can help to relieve feelings of pressure. You could draw, doodle, sew, sing, or cook yourself your favorite meal. Get outside Being outside in nature is great for our wellbeing. Going for a short walk or sitting in a green space can have an extremely calming effect on how we feel. Why not invite a friend to go for a walk around your Local Park, street or farm this weekend? Exercise your body Exercise is a very effective way to combat stress. When we exercise our bodies release endorphins which help us feel good. This doesn’t mean you have to spend hours in the gym pumping iron – you could go for a walk, or dance around your living room to your favorite songs. You’d be surprised how much of a mood-booster it is!   Meditation and mindfulness Meditation is the practice of noticing your emotions and gaining a sense of perspective on them. It’s typically done by sitting or lying down in a quiet place and focusing on your breathing. When you meditate, you’re learning to focus on the present moment and gradually let go of outside thoughts or distractions. The first few times you try meditation you may not feel the benefits, or you may find it difficult to keep other thoughts out, but by practicing over time you’re likely to find it easier. You’ll also find that you’re better able to let go of distracting thoughts in day-to-day life. It should help you to feel calm. Mindfulness is the ability to be present and fully engaged with whatever you’re doing in the moment. It’s a great way to center your thoughts and calm the mind. Start by noticing things in your immediate surroundings such as smell, touch, sounds, taste and sight – this can help to ground you. Write it down You would be surprised what a relief it can be to write down what you’re thinking and feeling. You’re not writing with the aim of anyone reading it, just for yourself to get down on paper what you’re feeling. This can be a big stress reliever. Do something you enjoy When we’re really busy it’s easy to eliminate the things we enjoy from our schedule. But these are the things which help us to relieve stress. Think of your emotions as a bucket. Daily activities and regular stressors fill up our bucket with water throughout the day. Doing things we enjoy act like holes in the bucket, relieving water so that your bucket doesn’t overflow. If you don’t do things you enjoy regularly then your bucket is at risk of overflowing, and we can experience extreme stress or burnout. Talk to someone As they say, a problem shared is a problem halved. Speaking to a friend, loved one, colleague or therapist can help you to lighten the load you may be feeling. The person you’re talking to may also be able to help you organize your thoughts, create an action plan, or take some tasks off your plate.   Listen to music Music can have an excellent mood-boosting effect. Sometimes belting out the lyrics to a cheesy ballad makes everything seem all right. If you’re in a public place, s listening to your favorite music can help you feel better quickly. Classical music can be especially relaxing right before bedtime. GOA Mental Program offers a platform for everyone to easily access information on mental health. During this National Stress Awareness Month we are on the lookout for avenues to continue educatring the public on this. You can reach out to us to seek further information, clarification, for partnerships or even to invite us to your platform, family, group or individually on Mental Health.   SIMON NDIRANGU N. mentalhealth@goaweb.org 0703461193 [...] Read more...
Pastor Amos has been brought up at GOA Nontoto church in Samburu region. He grew at the church from Sunday school into the youth ministry. The leadership of Nontoto church through Pastor Jackson identified his gift in leadership and Pastoral ministry and engaged him in different roles of leadership in the church. He served at the church in as the youth ministry leader and discharged his responsibilities with all diligence. Pastor Amos together with the GOA Baawa Church Congregation All these responsibilities helped him grow the ability to care for the hearts of people. Pastor Amos together with his newly married wife, has now through the help of Pastor Jackson opened the GOA church in Baawa Village. The church with over 70 members from the community worships and a tree where the members have are being discipled and growing in Spiritual maturity. Pastor Amos and the GOA Baawa Church now need only Kes 700000 to put up a worship sanctuary where the community can meet and worship together without fearing rains and the hot sun. Baawa Church worships under a tree in the village [...] Read more...
Over the cause of this week I’ve been reading about a veteran chaplain, 9 years to be precise- as long as he been married in which they have been blessed with 3 children, he also lives with depression. The chaplain has sought professional help and being a staunch Christian continues to seek solace in the Lord. Below is an extract from the Guidepost as narrated by the chaplain which include 5 prayers which he prays through his struggles with depression. “My depression first surfaced for me in high school, the year my older sister went away to college and my best friend moved away to another school. At that time, my only understanding of mental health treatment was the “padded room” I saw in my elementary school, to keep children with special needs and some with mental conditions from hurting themselves. I thought, “I don’t need a padded room; I just don’t care if I wake up the morning.” Fortunately, my parents were paying close attention to my behavioral changes and sought help from family, friends and our pastor. Thanks to our pastor’s recommendation, I began a medication and therapy regimen with a psychiatrist to help me manage what was diagnosed as acute depression. While in college, I believed that God did not desire for people to have depression and that God would heal me, so I stopped taking my medications and receiving treatment. I strongly discourage this behavior. After a significant life event in 2009, I could no longer deny that I still lived with depression. I sought out a new psychiatrist, psychologist and medication regimen, and have been managing my depression with my team ever since. I still don’t believe God desires us to have depression; God wants us to have life and life more abundantly! But as a chaplain, I also know “God’s grace is sufficient.” Getting treatment doesn’t mean I am depression free, nor do I long for God to “take it away,” or try to speed through depressive episodes anymore. Get survival tips and tricks at Time to Prepare Like Paul, I am learning to be content in all things; I accept that I live with depression and try to see what God wants to teach me through each experience. One of the ways I accept depression in my life is by praying. When I feel a heavy gray cloud hovering above me, I begin to pray for myself, for my wife, my children, and all others who live with depression. Here are a few of my prayers.” 1.Prayers for My Depression O God, as I am feeling depressed, may this heaviness speak to me. Help me listen to what depression may have to teach me at this time. I am depressed. Guide me to a person, a place and resources to support me during these moments. I feel deep sadness to the point of not wanting to be around people and not wanting to do anything. Like Your prophet Jeremiah, I question my own existence and value. Is my life worth living? Console me, Holy Spirit, when I feel undesirable and unlovable. Amen.   2 of 5 Prayers for My Heart God, lifter of bowed-down heads, help me recognize Your presence with me in this depressive time in my life. May someone come and hear about my pain either by showing up, emailing, calling me or messaging me. My heart needs some human connection today! In Your holy name, Amen.   3 of 5 Prayers for Resentment of Depression God, I do not like it when I’m depressed. It slows me down and makes me feel what I don’t want to feel: immense sadness for myself, others and our world. Sustain me in this time and hold me close. Amen.   4 of 5 Prayers for My Spouse Who Lives with Depression God, in Your mercy, hear my prayer. My spouse (or significant other) lives with depression, and I don’t know what to do. I feel powerless and inadequate to help. This is frustrating because it can be so unpredictable. Help me find the resources that I need to be with my spouse (or significant other) during these times of pain. In Christ’s name, Amen.   5 of 5 Prayers for Others with Depression Dear Holy Parent, hold all Your children who live with the mental condition of depression. Send Your love through people–therapists, pastors, friends, family, etc.–that they may be assured of Your love in their dark hours. In Your holy name, Amen. As we continue to handle our mental illnesses or assisting dear ones with such issues, let’s also remember that God’s intervention is also key. Let’s seek professional help but also involve God every step of the way. Let us all be on the fore-front in mitigating stigma while raising awareness to all on mental health. Engage with GOA Mental Health team for consultation, partnerships, sharing of real-life experiences with mental illness, resource mobilization or any other way by reaching out to us through the following contacts; SIMON NDIRANGU mentalhealth@goaweb.org 0703461193 Credit the Guidepost and Rev. Brian Shields on such an inspirational story, it takes a lot of courage to share personal experiences and he did that to encourage the public. [...] Read more...
Christina is a Chinese-American lady. The issue of mental health is still viewed as a taboo amongst the Chinese culture and I couldn’t help but draw comparisons with our African culture, we still struggle to accept mental health diagnosis and even fail to acknowledge the sensitivity it calls for. At kindergarten, Christina was too timid and quiet in school and hence her teacher recommended to her parents that she sees a psychotherapist. Her parents said the teacher was wrong and worked tireless to reassure Christina that she was normal and not crazy instead of addressing the issue. Unfortunately, for Christina, she never got professional help, and that childhood experience shaped her mindset that receiving mental health treatment is viewed as being ‘crazy’. Christina struggled with socializing and at an adult age sought the right interventions with a psychotherapist, she became more self-aware of her emotions. As a result she gained better control of her anxiety and over the way she interacts with others. She got to learn through therapy that HER ANXIETY IS PART OF HER BUT IT DOES’NT DEFINE HER. Like Christina’s parents, many parents amongst our communities have denied their children treatment of their mental illnesses due to stigma or ignorance. It is important for everyone to understand that mental illnesses, like other diseases get worse with time if not addressed. Children whose mental illnesses aren’t addressed at a young age experience developmental challenges in the various dimensions of life; physical, social, etc. Our community is still miles away from addressing it’s naivety to issues of mental health, it will need every one of us to pull together to create awareness and advocate for changes that create a safe space for all regardless of our differences. Join GOA in creating awareness, advocating for change and addressing mental health challenges in our society. You can partner with us directly or create an avenue for us to educate those around you. You can also reach out to seek information or help at a personal level Simon Ndirangu GOA Mental Health Advocate mentalhealth@goaweb.org 0703461193 [...] Read more...
Thank you so much for your support in 2022. Resulting from your support, GOA has made more disciples. Among the unreached people groups, orphans through our compassion ministries, through peace building ministries and equipping leaders to spread the gospel. If you now one Bible verse and I believe you know it probably is John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” God so ached for the return of his lot world that he gave up his only son to bring it home. I have to honestly tell, I can’t understand that. I can’t fathom why he would do that. There is no wat I can give up Timothy Thagana, my first born son. Not even for my beloved ministry of GOA, not for the world. And yet that is why God gave his son- for the world, for you. Please help GOA Murera spread the LOVE by giving a Christmas Gift to complete this project. The dedication by faith is on 31st December 2022. All the gifts will got the unfinished. An amount of Kes. 3,500,000 will complete it. Joy Griffin will represent all our partners who have given generously for this construction. Please donate today  Paybill 400200 Account: .40066100 Merry Christmas Bishop David M. Thagana [...] Read more...
Imagine the drama! At a dinner given in Jesus’ honour, the risen Lazarus seats among the disciples.Mary, Lazarus ‘s sister, breaks open an expensive jar of pure nard and in a lavish gesture of love and gratitude, anoints Jesus in a symbolic  preparation for his death. Did she have an inkling Jesus was about to pour out his own life for the forgiveness of sins? Whatever the case, and despite her possible  grief, Mary gave of herself without  reserve and Jesus affirmed  her faith and love. How can you give a gift of love today? a gift from the heart of your own  suffering? Perhaps that gift will be a word of affirmation  for a spouse or child, a small gift sent to a fellow  sufferer or a thank you to a caregiver. Whatever  it is, give without reserve, in memory of the woman who gave lavishly of herself. GOA was about to cancel the passing the baton to future leaders summit due to insufficient funds to transport and accommodate 200 emerging and experienced leaders. Two days to the cancellation, we received a lavish gift from a couple. please subscribe and find more impact stories  on my YouTube Chanel. Merry Christmas Bishop David M. Thagana [...] Read more...
GOA Kenya Teams are making impact because of your partnership CLICK HERE to Vew more [...] Read more...
An estimated population of over 3.5 Million Kenyans face starvation and hunger today from the effects of the Ravaging drought. Donate today and Save Kenyans DONATE TODAY and Save Kenyans from Starvation [...] Read more...
For Joyce and I, this Easter is more special than others. 30 years ago, on a day like this Joyce and I walked down the aisle in the presence of family and friends. That was the beginning of a long journey. God has blessed us with vision, children, grandchildren and International Family. This far we can only say God has enabled us, He is Ebenezer. We are designating all our gifts to sponsoring needy people to be part of the GOA International family conferences  Over the 30 years God has blessed us with both Biological and International Kingdom family With a gift of Kes 2500 you could transport a conference delegate from Eastern & Nairobi Kenya and back. With a gift of Kes. 7500 you could transport a delegate from Wester & Turkana region and back With a gift of Kes. 3100 you could transport a delegate from outside Kenya and back. Thank you for having been part of our 30 years journey in your own way. We look forward to walk with you another 30 years and beyond. Please look out for the video of our celebration on my YouTube Account late this week. Please Sponsor one GOA family member to be part of the celebrations HERE [...] Read more...
Thank you for your birthday gifts Thank you so much my beloved friend for your overwhelming gifts for my birthday yesterday 9th March. Your prayer, Message of encouragement and celebration, your gifts in kind and your gifts in cash made my celebration a memorable and significant day. For the past five years I have celebrated my birthday by championing a course for building the Kingdom. Through the years I have seen God touch many lives and communities through the celebration of my birthday. Thank you for being part of this very significant celebration of Kingdom purpose and impact for my life. This year my top priority to which I designated my gifts was building the GOA Dream center, which shall house the Headquarters of all our GOA teams for greater kingdom impact in Nairobi. I have donated all my gifts towards this course,. However this celebration is not yet over. We shall hold a major celebration of this kingdom course on 19th June 2022 as awe celebrate you and your gift for the kingdom. This year throughout this celebration period My target is to raise Kes. 3,000,000 (USD. 30,000) to build the foundation and the substructures of the GOA Dram Centre. I continue to receive your gifts through Mpesa Till No. 853725 my Phone number 0743608674 or online through the GOA USA. During my birthday celebration this year I was honoured to serve both my GOA Kenya staff, GOA missionary to South Sudan Ruth Thami and GOA South Sudan Yambio vision carrier Simon Sysundiamon. My other top priority is to be part for God’s agenda of South Sudan Peace, reaching the unreached, caring for orphans of war and making mature disciples. Please talk to us to be part of this move to South Sudan. Thank you so much, God’s blessings Bishop David Munyiri   [...] Read more...
For the past 5 years, I have celebrated my birthday by designating all my birthday cakes and gifts to funding the great Commission. Last year though the economic season was hard hit by covid-19 effects; you were very generous towards building Goa Murera. Thank you so much for the birthday gifts you sent to me especially for roofing GOA Murera. Photo: GOA Murera church building progress and the Dream destination Resulting from your birthday gifts GOA Murera now has more fully mature disciples, who are compassionately pursuing the great commission, demonstrating Godly zeal and transformational leadership to bring positive change globally. This Sunday 6th March 2022 at GOA Kahawa Wendani in Nairobi, we are celebrating Church planting as Rev. Phyllis Githaiga leads her GOA Murera team to minister at GOA Kahawa Wendani, mother church, as we commission them to go and make more mature disciples. While we celebrate 2021’s birthday gifts impact, March 9th 2022 birthday gifts have started coming in. This time round my birthday gifts are going to build the foundation and substructures of the GOA Dream Centre. Please help me raise Kes. 32,000,000 for this Kingdom course. DONATE TODAY Blessings [...] Read more...
Thank you for your great support of prayers, goodwill  and resources during the 40 days challenge. Resulting from your generosity and support we raised Kes 3,100,000. Praise God. The GOA Board of Governors has provided the leadership that our Teams much need to realize this Dream. Mr. Kithinji Nyagah, one of the GOA Board Members encouraged friends and partners of GOA to build the Dream Centre gladly. Follow HERE We are still thankfully receiving your gifts to build the GOA Headquarters, at the journey has just started. Through the Generous giving our friends we have have received gifts of Kes. 39,00o. As we move to the next stage, we are excited to invite you to make a faith commitment to support this project regularly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. our giving lines are open all the time MPESA till number 853725 Equity Bank Limited Acc. No :0470294352521 Acc Name :GLORY OUTREACH ASSEMBLY NAIROBI. [...] Read more...
The GOA management  and board team is currently keen on developing the vision of GOA Kenya t for the future Generations. Coming from the first 30 years with so much to learn from the next 30 years of GOA are expected to be a period of newness with higher levels of creativity and zeal in pursuit of the vision. At the beginning of the 30th Anniversary of GOA in April 2021 the GOA team started engaging in evaluation of the past 30 years. GOA celebrates impacting leaders, reaching unreached communities with the Gospel, growing the work among the reached people groups, taking care of vulnerable and less fortunate children and impacting families and communities with the message of peace. The Next 30 years of GOA are expected to be a more exciting moment with newer strategies expected to take the GOA vision to newer fields. [...] Read more...
I previously I invited you to consider joining the GOA family on 6th of November to celebrate GOA 30 years as we break the ground to start building the GOA Headquarter church and offices in Nairobi. It’s exactly 7 days to the Historic date on which we shall by faith begin the building of the GOA Dream Centre and give it as gift to the future Generations of GOA. We are excited at your partnership in realizing this long waited Dream. 7 is the number of God’s Completeness and we trust God that within the remaining 7 Days He will provide for us. Our teams in Nairobi are eagerly preparing to host you when you come. The only obstacle that stands on our way is Kes. 4,700,000 equivalent to USD. 47,000 needed to expand the space by buying the extra piece of land neighbouring our church in Nairobi to create space for building the Dream Centre. I invite you to consider giving a gift today through the link below and move the obstacle for GOA to build The Dream Centre today Thank you for your support #GOA40DaysChallenge Bishop David [...] Read more...
40 is significant number in the Bible. Today at GOA Headquarters in Kahawa Wendani the Holy Spirit has prompted me to challenge GOA members, friends, Partners and family to take the challenge to give generously in the Next 40 days from today  for GOA to buy a 50 by 97ft land next to the current GOA Headquarters church. The amount needed to be raised in the next 40 days in Kes. 6,000,000. Acquiring this additional land will enable the construction of GOA dream Centre to start of while the GOA Head office management Team continues to serve daily in the office located in the same space, the GOA Headquarters church daily services to continue daily in the tent as the construction of the dream center is in progress. It can only be by God’s design that the 40 days from today end on 6th November 2021 when we have already invited you among others to come to GOA Kahawa Wendani for a ground breaking ceremony of the much awaited Dream Centre. On the same day we shall give generously to continue the project. Will you take the 40 days challenge and trust God to use accomplish this mission? Please Use this link and donate This year and this project are God’s way of celebrating 30 years of God’s faithfulness to GOA  since 1991 Thank you for your support #GOA40DaysChallenge   Bishop David Munyiri Thagana The Presiding Bishop Glory Outreach Assembly [...] Read more...
Dear GOA Great Commission Partner, After the season of grief for the loss of my mother in-law, God has comforted us and we are back to the GOA 30 years celebrations. GOA Kahawa Wendani, The Headquarter for GOA Internationally, is 9 years old in our current location. We are having revival here at the headquarters especially during the Covid-19 season. Through the Hope for Nations distribution of Covid relief support, it provided an opportunity to share the Gospel. New believers have been born again and this past Saturday we baptized 14 of them. Subscribe to Bishop Thagana's Youtube today for Inspirational Videos Thank you for supporting Hope for nation’s initiative. We are not yet out of the woods with Covid Do you have a friend that would like to partner in the great commission in Africa? Please share with them Our Newsletter on the impact of the partnerships in Africa. Request them to get regular video updates through My YouTube Channel through this Link. Without your Support we cannot produce such kingdom results Download Our Newsletter  [...] Read more...
At least 15 lives have been reported lost after Mt. Nyiragongo in Eastern Democratic republic of Congo erupted on Saturday Night. Mt. Nyiragongo in has been marked as one of the most Active Volcanoes around the world.  Having erupted last in 2002 claiming the lives of 250 people and leaving thousands of others homeless and devastated, there had returned relative calm in the Eastern region of DRC. On the night of Saturday 22nd May the volcano erupted in the middle of the night causing terror to the residents of Goma city in Eastern Congo with an estimate 8000 people crossing over to Rwanda for safety where they were given temporary shelters in Schools and churches.  These families lost their homes as well as all their belongings. Basic amenities such as food water and shelter are now not accessible after the community water supply, school, Hospitals among many other facilities were destroyed by the volcano. The volcanic eruption comes in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic when the Congolese are struggling to piece together their lives after the economy has been battered by the covid-19 pandemic. GOA Kenya invites you to help these families by donating food, soap, and temporary shelter, through hope for Nations To keep these families safe from opportunistic diseases.   DONATE TODAY Mpesa Till No. 980577 Donate Online HERE [...] Read more...
Rael Eyapan was diagnosed with Sclerosis (Wound on her scalp). The wound was very severe that she was  admitted at Kenyatta Hospital for two years. After she had slightly improved she joined Tumaini Children home in Kinangop and continued with her clinic at Kenyatta on a monthly basis. The progress of recovery was inconsistent to a point that the doctors at Kenyatta Hospital wanted to readmit her for close supervision, an idea which she didn’t like. She also did not want to delay her studies and be left behind by her peers. Upon arriving at the home from one of the clinic Visits from Kenyatta Hospital, the social worker informed the manager about the doctors’ request about Rael being readmitted. The social worker requested the manager and the other home children to pray for Rael and hope for good news upon the next return to the hospital. When Rael was returned to the hospital the doctors prescribed her with trial medication to see if the wound would improve on healing. If the wound did not heal after taking the medication, the doctors said they had no other option other than to admit Rael. Rael took the medication and continued being positive with the support and prayers from Tumaini Family. After two months the social worker took Rael back to Kenyatta Hospital for check-up and the doctors found that the medication was working. The doctors decided to continue with the medication and put on hold the admission process. Since then the wound healing improved to the point of it drying and completely healing. During the period the wound was not healing, Rael had a hard time with her self-esteem and socialization because the wound produced a bad odor. Her one wish was for her to be healed and hair to grow back again. Right now Rael is completely healed and hair is growing in parts that were occupied by the wounds. She is happy and confident and during her final examination in the primary section she emerged number two scoring 354 marks out of 500. Rael is an example of resiliency and perseverance in the face of hardship. [...] Read more...
Volunteering to work for the community is not for the faint at heart. It is a complex undertaking that comes with tremendous challenges. It requires one to give out their all without the expectation of reward. This is a service to community that has no pay. In this line of service, you typically see people at their worst and hope that you will impact their life such that you’ll leave them, functioning better than when you walked in. Not too many people or organizations would offer themselves to do community work round. But this is what one man and his organization have dedicated themselves to doing. This year, Bishop David Thagana and his ministry, Glory Outreach Assembly, are marking 30 years of community work. David Thagana opening a church among the Maasai People. “We are marking 30 years transforming lives  the church, compassion, peace building and conflict resolution and leadership development,” says Bishop Thagana. “The lives changed gives us joy that we live one day at a time, we are spreading the gospel, changing lives, and making out nation better.” Over the last thirty years, GOA  has grown to over 300 congregations in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Congo, Burundi and Tanzania. In the same vein, today, GOA runs eight homes which host 310 children. “We have also started a foster care program where some of the children  are taken in by foster parents,” he says. Out of the eight children’s homes, GOA Has one home that cares for the HIV Positive children, while the rest care for the orphans who lost their parents and children form less fortunate families. This helps identify and meet each child’s specific needs more easily. These homes are located in Naivasha, Mai Mahiu, Nyahururu, Ndunyu Njeru,  Joska  and Kieni.     One of the farms the mission has helped to set up in Turkana. GOA has also been setting up farms in arid areas as one way of supporting marginalized communities. The farms, which have also been set up in all his eight children’s homes, specialize in projects such as dairy farming, poultry, rabbits, potatoes, fruits, and vegetable farming. “We realized that it is not viable to always donate food and decided to start small farms in Turkana where we could teach locals how to be self-reliable,” Bishop Thagana says. GOA also runs several schools from primary level, secondary and adult school in Nyandarua, Laikipia, Samburu and Turkana. These include the Naotin Adult School in Turkana Central, Nabwelpus School in Turkana, GOA Education Centre in Kinangop, GOA High School in Kinangop and GOA Ngirashi School in Laikipia ensure that quality standard education is affordable to the less fortunate. “Our aim is to ensure that the less fortunate in our communities are able to get quality education that is affordable. We have had children who couldn’t afford education but have passed through our school and have passed well. Adults in the marginalized areas can now read the Bible, write and do basic arithmetic and that has improved the quality of their lives,” he says. Bishop Thagana praying for residents in a Turkana village GOA ventures in arid areas such as Turkana have seen our teams go to the front line in conflict resolution in those areas. “There cannot be any farming or schooling if there is no peace. We have to create a peaceful atmosphere first where locals can coexist, work together and school together without war,” he says. Bishop David Thagana the presiding Bishop of GOA is a certified Christian Leader, leadership coach and mentor “I am the Bishop of Glory Outreach Assembly (GOA). I also serve as the General Secretary for the Federation of Evangelical and Indigenous Christian Churches of Kenya (FEICCK).” These roles are not far-fetched. Between 1998 and 2009, he studied theology at the East African School of Theology and the Beulah Heights Bible College in Atlanta Georgia. He graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology. In August 2012, he graduated with a Master of Arts in Leadership at the Pan African Christian University. Running the vision of GOA though, has not been easy. “I have had some low moments in this journey. The most depressing moments have involved children succumbing to HIV; when I take in a child, give them care and raise their hope in life, then end up losing them to HIV/Aids at a young age,” he says. Bishop Thagana adds that it is also very heartbreaking when he is sometimes forced to turn away a needy child because the resources he has are limited. But God’s grace, he says, has been sufficient. Bishop David Thagana, his wife Rev. Joyce and their grandchild.  “My family’s support and the warm and beautiful smiles I get from tens of my children have been a blessing. What more can a father ask for! Remember when a child belonged to the village? When everyone took every child as their own? I keep praying that we’d go back to that spirit of responsibility and parenthood. Our children are our future, regardless of what afflicts them. We can build a better Kenya by protecting and guarding the future of every child!” he says, adding that it behoves every Kenyan to be his fellow Kenyan’s keeper. You can support GOA Today [...] Read more...
Happy Easter, As we celebrate Easter, delighting in the resurrection power of Our Lord Jesus we celebrate your partnership that has enabled many people in Kenya east, Africa and beyond to know, Love and worship our God. Through your friendship, GOA is reaching both the reached and unreached people groups with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and developing them into fully mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Over 300 children are receiving care in our eight children Homes even during these difficult times of Covid-19. Families, tribes and nations are living at peace with one another and worshiping God together. Leaders are being trained to accelerate the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth. Happy Happy Easter [...] Read more...
A bout four years ago, Benson Lekilit moved from Samburu, where he had was a member ofGoa Kenya church in Kisma, to Laikipia to find pasture for his goats and sheep. he settled in Ngirashi area where there was pasture for his flock. That is where the call to start GOA Ngirashi church got him. His family later moved to join and the family started worshiping under a tree with a few of the community members joining one by one until now more and more members of the community now know God love him and worship him. Benson is now the Pastor of the GOA church in Ngirashi and together with his family they are wholeheartedly serving the Samburu people. As a result of the transformation that the church has had in Ngirashi the community has donated land at Ol Mutonyi area 7 kilometers from Ngirashi to build a GOA church. You can donate today to reach the Samburu through Church planting. Visit GOA USA or GOA Switzerland or GOA Kenya and donate today [...] Read more...
The Turkana people are among the Kenyan people groups that were marginalized for a long period of time. Living in the hot and dry Northern part of Kenya the community for a very long period of time has depended on livestock herding for their daily primary needs provision as well as Secondary needs, needless to say this is a community to which many secondary needs do not make any sense as well as being less of a concern to the people. GOA made the first entry into this dry region in 2004. As part of the situation at the time, the people suffered high illiteracy rates with a larger percentage of the population being unable to read and write. They could not speak any other language except the local vernacular. This was among the greatest challenges that faced GOA mission in the region, which was aimed at making disciples of the Turkana people. Through the efforts and support of friends of GOA, we build schools for the children I the remote areas. To enable the children learn how to read and write. This was however not enough; the desire to read and understand the Bible among the adults also grew tremendously. As a result GOA has started both schools for the children and an adult learning Centre in Naotin village of Turkana region. At present GOA has planted over 15 churches that spread across the region from Lake Turkana to the North to Lokichar to the South. The Turkana people now Know love and worship God. Many pastors have been trained in the region to teach the word of God and guide the locals in loving and worshiping God. The impact of GOA among the Turkana people cuts across all the four vision areas of GOA ministry, Church growth Compassion, Peace building and Leadership training and development. For a very long time the community has been in conflicts with neighbouring communities over watering points for their livestock. GOA has helped sink boreholes to provide the community with water both for their domestic use as well as watering their livestock. With water available to the residents they can now settle in their locations as they fed their cattle and goats and worship in the now built churches. The residents of Nabwelpus village are among the beneficiaries of The GOA all round programs. The village now has the only school for the children, a church for them to worship and water for their daily needs. [...] Read more...
It was a windy cold evening on the slopes of Aberdare Ranges in Ndunyu Njeru, Kinangop in 1991. Bishop David Thagana, a 28-year-old high school teacher at Karima Girls High School had just arrived home from work. Moments later, he was joined by a few friends for fellowship. It was their norm to meet in the evenings for fellowship. David had a passion for worship and fellowship. As they chatted the evening away, waiting for an easy evening snack, coffee and meal that could warm them up, David and his friends developed a vision. “We started thinking of ways we could use to spread the gospel beyond Ndunyu Njeru. We wanted a missionary platform that could take the gospel to the world and offer real life solutions to real life problems along the way,” says David who is 57. The vision became the template on which Glory Outreach Assembly founded. Over the next few years, Bishop David and his friends marshaled resources to found their vision. They started off by hiring a hall for limited hours every Sunday where they would hold the worship and bible teachings. “The ministry grew from baby steps, and we bought a piece of land where we set up our first church known as Glory Outreach Assembly in Ndunyu Njeru Township,” he says.     From those steps, and over the last thirty years, GOA has grown to over 300 congregations in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Congo, Burundi and Tanzania. Today, the Glory Outreach Assembly programs creatively reach out to different age groups through initiatives that are tailored to suit their unique needs. For example, among the youth, the ministry has been using sports including football, floor ball, roll ball and athletics. Apart from GOA initiatives, GOA Compassion provides a shoulder to lean on for homeless children. Currently GOA Compassion provides home to over 310 children, with over 700 children having gone through the Compassion programs to date. “During my teaching career at Karima, I interacted with numerous grandparents who were taking care of HIV/Aids orphans. Their struggle to raise their HIV positive grandchildren stirred my conscience. I would often find myself crying whenever I interacted with them. In 1998, I began to wonder how many other HIV/Aids positive orphans were struggling out there without even a relative to take care of them. Back then, the stigma that was attached to HIV/Aids was immeasurable. Contracting HIV was like a death sentence. People avoided you like a plague. Relatives hardly wanted anything to do with you. You were segregated and set aside. This drove me to lend a hand,” he says. On September 1, 1997, Bishop David, the GOA presiding Bishop, wrote his resignation letter to the Teachers Service Commission with a three month notice. “By this time I was married and thankfully, my wife supported my decision and passion wholeheartedly,” he says. They took in one boy and started looking for ways to take in more children. “We now have built eight children’s where over 700 children have found shelter,” he says. GOA also spread their missions to the conflict-prone Northern Kenya region, as part of our peace building initiatives “This is a region that over the years has been dominated by conflicts and wars.” he says. The initiative has been teaching communities in Turkana, Samburu and Marsabit on the essence of love, harmony and peaceful coexistence. In turn, this has helped diffuse community tensions in the region. Today, says David, the fruits of his labour are in seeing people worship and interact together peacefully in the areas his mission has reached. The Glory Outreach Assembly also trains leaders in partnership with other like-minded partners such as International Leadership institute, CCBR fellowship and Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College. These forums target leadership in churches, corporates, schools, government and communities. Over 30,000 leaders have been trained across Africa through the GOA leadership training programs. “The last 30 years have been a great period for Glory Outreach Assembly through the transformation that has happened through their four departments of Church Growth, Compassion, Peace Building and Conflict Resolution and Leadership Development,” he says. However due to the focus of our ministry, transforming communities and individuals lives, GOA has not build a headquarter to help coordinate our different functions. During our 30th anniversary celebrations, this is our top priority project. Empower GOA to reach more people through donation to build the Dream center today. Click HERE to donate through Mpesa and Bank and HERE to donate online.   [...] Read more...
Its now nine months since the first case of covid-19 was announced in Kenya. Schools have been closed for the longest period in the education History of our country just like it is in many countries around the world. As the children stay home, to many this has been a time to learn new skills that enhance their stay at home while at the same time many have used this time to develop their life careers and areas of interests, these include Music, drawing, weaving, cooking among many other life skills. GOA values and encourages our children to Discover develop and deploy their gifts and talents to be effective in their service to God and the body of Christ. GOA Kahawa Wendani in Nairobi [...] Read more...